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HARIBOL!! devotees... The main intention of this blog is to find the basic information on spiritual. I invite you to submit questions or information to this blog. Send me some mail –


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Tuesday, 18 March 2014


 One day during a religious discussion one puffed brahmana approached Haridasa Thakura and remarked, "O Haridasa! Why do you chant the holy name loudly? In the scriptures it is recommended to chant within the mind." In reply Haridasa Thakura told him, "The birds, beasts and insects cannot chant themselves, but if they get to hear Hari Nama then they also become delivered. If one chants only to himself then he delivers only himself, but if one chants loudly, the benefit is a hundred times greater. This is the conclusion of the scriptures." [C. B. Adi 16.180]

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Ya guyzz and humble devotees once again thankzz for visiting this blog excuse my english that can be not as good as I would like.
wit regardzz.... Kannan.