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Thursday, 28 November 2013

Mistakes are unavoidable part of life

Some mistakes are big. An air-traffic controller’s mistake or one wrong move by a surgeon can be deadly.

A vast majority of the mistakes we make, however, are not life or death. It’s true that even small mistakes can cause inconvenience, conflict, or extra work – and, can be expensive.

While no one enjoys making mistakes, there is something very freeing about learning to accept them – really accept them – as an unavoidable part of life. When we do, we can forgive ourselves, thus erasing all the stress that usually results from cursing ourselves.

So the suggestion is simple. Forgive yourself; you’re human

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Are there 33 crore gods or only “ONE GOD”

          Some scholars masquerading as spiritualists opine that in Hinduism there are 33 crore gods and one can chose anyone and worship as per their liking. It’s just like a quack telling a diseased person to choose any medicine as per his taste and it will cure his disease. In the present age many such spiritual quacks swarm the world misguiding the people.

The various gods which are mentioned in the Vedic literatures are in fact demigods who have been given certain responsibilities by the Supreme Lord. For e.g. the Sun- god, the Moon – god, Indra, Vayu, Agni etc have specific duties to carry out but they aren’t the supreme controller. And who is that Supreme Lord or bhagavan has been very logically explained by Parasara Muni, father of Vedavyas. He explains that the Supreme Lord has 6 attributes in totality (completeness) – He is (i) very beautiful, (ii) very powerful, (iii) very intelligent, (iv) very famous, (v) proprietor of everything and (vi) and very detached. No one can claim to possess all these qualities fully. Further description of that Supreme Lord has been given by Brahma in Brahma – Samhita - "There are many personalities possessing the qualities of Bhagavan, but Krishna is the supreme because none can excel Him. He is the Supreme Person, and His body is eternal, full of knowledge and bliss. He is the primeval Lord Govinda and the cause of all causes." (Brahma-Samhita 5.1). Srimad Bhagavatam 1.3.28 further explains "All the lists of the incarnations of Godhead submitted herewith are either plenary expansions or parts of the plenary expansions of the Supreme Godhead, but Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself." In the Govardhan pastime it was proved that Indra although the king of the heaven have certain jurisdiction and power but he gets his power from the Supreme God, Krishna, and he cannot work independently on his own.

So let us not get obfuscated by hearing about 33 crore gods. Vedic books and genuine Vedic scholars have established unequivocally that there is only one Supreme God and he is Krishna.

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Is God Bad?

I want to explain that dusanga, bad association, is very dangerous for any devotee. So many varieties of doubts will come In that bad association – doubts about devotees, about bhakti, and about Krsna and Mahaprabhu. They are bound to come if you are not in good association. Gradually you will go very far, far, far away from bhakti, and you will be ruined. I want to caution you about this.

Once, with all His queens, sons, daughters, and all other relatives, Krsna came to Kuruksetra before the Mahabharata battle. Numerous emperors and kings from all over India assembled there with their entire families, because at that time Kuruksetra was the prominent tirtha-sthali, holy place, of India. Kuruksetra is the place where Parasurama performed many sacrifices, and the place of Prthu Maharaja. All of Krsna’s relatives were assembled there as well, including the Pandavas, Mother Kunti, Draupadi, and Subhadra, Bhisma-pitamah, and also Duryodhana with all his relatives.

Somehow Nanda Baba heard that his dear son was going to Kuruksetra, and he therefore quickly announced to the Vrajabasis, “Tomorrow we will go by bullock cart with all our relatives. Only some old persons will remain behind to look after Vraja, and the rest of us should go.” Thus, the gopis, Mother Yasoda, and all the inhabitants of Vrndavana went to Kuruksetra. After taking bath during the solar eclipse, everyone met with each other there, and all the pilgrims distributed whatever they had, such as  golden ornaments, garments, and wealth.

After this, Draupadi, Kunti, and others came to meet with Vasudeva, the ‘father’ of Krsna. Kunti was weeping very much, and telling her brother, “Brother, why did you become so cruel? My sons were given poison, they were attacked by fire, and we were forced to go to the forest and give up our kingdom. We were all suffering, but you didn’t come to us.”

Vasudeva Maharaja also began to weep, saying, “My dear sister, we were at that time in prison, and our six sons were killed there. This cruel Kamsa killed our sons and tortured us terribly. How could we have come? We were bound under lock and key. At that time, when Krsna was like a baby, we sent Him to Gokula in order to save Him.

“Don’t be in anxiety. There is nothing we can do. We are bound to tolerate all sufferings. My dear sister, try to realize this fact. We are puppets in the hands of God. Although to some extent we are independent to initiate any activity, we are bound to enjoy the fruits of our bad and good activities – we are bound to. So, don’t blame the Supreme God, or us. Don’t blame.”

Some persons say, “Hitler was very cruel. He put so many Jews in jail…”

Sripad Damodara Maharaja: In gas chambers.

Vicitri dasi: In concentration camps.

“…and they were killed there. They were tortured so much. If there is a God, why did He become cruel? Why didn’t He stop Hitler?” A doubt may come as to why the Supreme Lord allowed this to happen? So many doubts may come. Some persons argue, “If God was there, why did He become neutral? He should not have been neutral.”
If you are in any bad association, that bad association will raise all these points and say, “There is no God at all. He is not merciful. He cannot do anything to help us, because He has no form, no hands, and no mind to think. He is nirguna, without qualities; He is avyakta, or impersonal; He is nothing – zero. What, then, is the need of worshiping Him or accepting Him? We don't want to accept Him. Why could He not have stopped Hitler?”
 [Editors’ note: We are aware of the sensitivity of this issue and, with the hope that the reader understands Çréla Gurudeva’s reference to it in the proper context, we would like to give a brief explanation:
       The question of how to reconcile the notion of a loving God with the bad things that happen in the world is a challenge to many of us. The teachings of karma – that actions in one life may result in reactions in another life – are never given as a justification for judging others, or for cruelty to others, but as a means for self-assessment and reflection. The law of karma is taught to make us mindful that we should be non-violent (ahimsic) in our actions. In fact, it is the teaching of wise spiritual teachers like Srila Gurudeva that we cultivate a mood of humility, service, and love in everything we do. His purpose is to free us from the cycle of samsara, or the wheel of birth and death, and deliver to us our eternal good fortune. *[see endnotes 1 and 2] His words are full of compassion. Also, he has stated that the perpetrators of such calamities are by divine will held accountable for their actions in accord with karmic law.]

All these questions have been answered in our scriptures. Why could Krsna not have stopped Him if He wished? Actually, everything could have been totally stopped.

We cannot do anything to escape the law of reactions to our materialistic actions. As I mentioned, we are like puppets. You can see this in Bhagavad-gita (18.61):

isvarah sarva-bhutanam
hrd-dese arjuna tisthati
bramayan sarva-bhutani
yantrarudhani mayaya

[“The Supreme Lord is situated in everyone's heart, O Arjuna, and is directing the wanderings of all living entities who are seated as on a machine made of the material energy.”]

Isvara, the Supreme Lord of all, in the form of the Supersoul (Paramatma), as a witness (saksi), is here in our hearts. The living entities (jivas) are standing on their karma-cakra (wheel of fruitive activities). Just as a clay-pot maker spins a wheel with a stick and so many pots are made, we are all sitting on the results of the bad or good activities we have performed in the past. That has become our karma-cakra.

Krsna is not responsible for our sinful acts. He is the witness. Whatever we are suffering and experiencing is our own fault. It is the result of our good and bad activities. Krsna is not responsible for our sufferings.

If someone kills a person in America, is the president of America, Mr. Bush, responsible for that murder, or not? He has made rules and regulations against murder, and he has announced to everyone that they should not kill anyone. However, if someone does not obey, the police and the court are there to punish that person.

In the same way, Krsna has announced in the Vedas, in sastra, and through devotees, that you should not do certain activities. If you do so anyway, you will be pulled onto the karma-cakra and you will have to suffer for your actions. Krsna is not responsible, because He has warned you. The jivas have some independence to do what they like, but they are bound to taste the fruits of their activities.

Now let us look more clearly regarding Krsna’s own pastimes. Why was the father of the Supreme God Krsna suffering? We should try to understand. Vasudeva is one of the associates of Krsna, and he has come with Krsna to this world to give many teachings. He was playing as an actor in Krsna’s pastimes, to establish dharma, or religious principles. Secondly, if someone is a devotee of the Lord, he will manifest tolerance. If one is a devotee but has no tolerance, then he is not a pure devotee. A real devotee will be like Haridasa Thakura, like Prahlada Maharaja, and like Vasudeva Maharaja. They came as examples to show the whole world how to be tolerant.

Why did Vasudeva Maharaja have to tolerate so many difficulties? There are many reasons. When the aerial voice announced that the eighth child of the womb of Devaki would kill Kamsa, Kamsa became upset and wanted to kill Devaki – from whose womb the eighth child would come. He was in a dilemma. He heard the aerial voice and he believed that the eighth son would come and kill him, but still he wanted to make the prediction false. He thought, “I will kill Devaki, and thus there will be no womb to produce Him.”

Vasudeva Maharaja had strong faith in what this aerial voice had said. He believed that Kamsa could not kill Devaki, that the eighth child would surely come, and that this eighth child would kill Kamsa. As Vasudeva Maharaja had firm belief in this and was very confident, we too should be confident. If one chants the holy name of Krsna, hears the pastimes of Krsna, and renders any service to Him, no one will be able to kill that person. We must have confidence like Vasudeva, and learn this lesson.

There is something more to be said in this regard. Who were the six sons of Devaki? They were previously the sons of Marici Muni, who was a very high-class realized sage. Marici’s sons were in the council of Brahma, and they once criticized Brahma, who was a maha-bhagavata (great devotee). For this offence, they had to come in the womb of the wife of Kalanemi, the grandson of the demon Hiranyakasipu. By the fruit of their offence to a maha-bhagavata, Hiranyakasipu cursed them that they would be killed by their own father. After that, Kalanemi became Kamsa in his next life, and the six sons became the sons of Vasudeva in the womb of

Devaki and had to suffer at the hands of Kamsa. We are not seeing that their suffering was coming from their past lives’ offense. We are only seeing the events externally.

We should understand that those whom Hitler killed had previously performed many sinful activities. They also must have killed many persons in some horrible way, and thus they took birth as those particular Jews. Why were all Jews not killed? Many were killed, but others escaped and were saved. Why did everything happen in this way? Those who suffered were guilty for their own past activities.

We are so foolish. We cannot imagine what they had done in their past. Krsna knows, however, as a witness residing in their hearts, and He thus arranged all these events because they had to be killed.

Now we are seeing that many cows in India and other countries are being slaughtered. Why? In a previous birth, as humans, those who are now cows had eaten meat themselves, and eggs, and now they are tasting the results of their own sinful activities.

Any kind of doubt may come in bad association, so we should be very careful about this. Don’t associate with those who have no bhakti. In Gita (4.40) it has also been said: “Those who have any doubt in Krsna, in His associates, and in bhakti will be very soon destroyed.”

ajnas casraddadhanas ca
samsayatma vinasyati
nayam loko 'sti na paro
na sukham samsayatmanah

[“But ignorant and faithless persons who doubt the revealed scriptures do not attain God consciousness; they fall down. For the doubting soul there is happiness neither in this world nor in the next.”]

We need to be very, very careful about this type of association.

Now I am coming to the main subject of my class. I want to speak about the glorification of Srila Haridasa Thakura. He was born as a Muslim, but in reality he was an incarnation of both Brahma and Prahlada Maharaja. Brahma and Prahlada both wanted to come and serve Caitanya Mahaprabhu, so they came by the Lord’s wish. Though Haridasa Thakura was a Muslim by birth, he had great faith in harinama. He was chanting the holy name from the beginning of his life.

Who was his Gurudeva? He had no initiating guru, but his Gurudeva was Advaita Acarya – Maha-Visnu – because Maha-Visnu is superior to Brahma. When Haridasa Thakura was living in his native place, everyone was very much attracted to him. He was renounced, wearing only dor kaupina, and he was always chanting harinama. From the beginning he was chanting three hundred thousand holy names (192 rounds); some names loudly, some very softly so that only he himself could hear, and some by mind. Sometimes he chanted without a mala, dancing and rolling on the earth, day and night, and in this way he would complete three hundred thousand holy names daily.

All common persons became very attracted to him. In fact, they would give him so much respect that the king of that place, Ramacandra Khan, became upset. The king thought, “I am the king of this region, but no one respects me as they do him. He is a Muslim, and yet everyone is honoring him.” He then called a very beautiful teenage prostitute and told her, “I will give you half my kingdom and wealth if you can deviate that Haridasa Thakura.”

The prostitute replied, “Oh, don't worry. In a moment I will be able to entice him. Give me some time. He has a good character, but as soon as he sees me, his chastity will disappear. So, give me time.”

Thus, one night she went to Haridasa Thakura’s place. He was alone. It was purnima (the full moon night) and there was a cool breeze on the bank of the Ganges. Srila Haridasa Thakura had a Tulasi plant which he used to worship daily, and he would chant harinama the whole day in his cave under the shelter of that Tulasi.

Being half naked, sometimes revealing even more, and alluring him with many poses, the prostitute tried very intently to attract Haridasa Thakura. He told her, “I will fulfill your desire, but allow me to finish my task to chant one crore of harinama (ten million names).”

Some say that Haridasa Thakura was chanting three hundred thousand names daily, but actually, since he was chanting the whole day and night, he must have been doing four or five hundred thousand. He told the prostitute, “I have taken a vow for this. Please wait. Sit here, and when I finish, I will surely fulfill your desire.”

The prostitute sat down and waited, but when the morning came she returned to the king. The king asked, “Have you been successful?”

“I will certainly be successful,” she replied, “Today he has promised to serve me.”

She came again the next evening and stayed throughout the night, and again Haridasa Thakura told her, “Oh, please wait a little. Very soon I am going to complete my chanting.”

Finally, when the third night came, she was totally changed by hearing suddha-nama (pure chanting) from a high-class devotee. At once she fell flat at the lotus feet of Haridasa Thakura and said, “I came by the order of the king. He is a very bad person. He is envious and does not want anyone besides himself to be honored. That is why I came to you. But I have been changed now. I am offensive. I was very lusty, but now I want to take the shelter of your lotus feet.”

Haridasa Thakura then told her, “At once return to your home, and whatever money you have collected from your profession as a prostitute, distribute to the greedy brahmanas. Kali-yuga brahmanas will gladly take these things.”

She went home, and then, with only one ordinary white cloth, she returned to the lotus feet of Haridasa Thakura. He told her, “I knew what was going on, but I remained here three days for you. I would have gone, but only to purify you I stayed here. I am giving you my asrama, my Tulasi plant, and my cottage on the bank of the Ganges. Stay here. Don’t go anywhere. Many people will come and offer you so many donations, so many kinds of preparations of prasadam, and other things. Do not accept everything. Accept only what you need to maintain your life, and nothing else. Stay here, and everything will come to you.”

Many high-class Vaisnavas began to come there to see how this prostitute had now been transformed. She had become like a maha-bhagavata by her association with Haridasa Thakura. Haridasa was Brahma plus 

Prahlada Maharaja, and he came as an associate of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In our next class we will glorify him further. So many teachings are found in his life, and an entire Mahabharata can be written about him – a large Mahabharata.

Question: You said earlier that so many people were put to death by Hitler. They were put to death because of their past activities. But a personality like Hitler, who was inflicting the punishment, did he create bad karma for his activities, or was he just acting as an instrument?

Srila Narayana Gosvami Maharaja: He was punished at once. He committed suicide or was killed.

Question: Also, for so many lives he will have to suffer?

Srila Narayana Gosvami Maharaja: Yes, he has to suffer for so many lives, for all the people he killed and tortured.

Sripad Damodara Maharaja: Who is the worshipful Deity of Haridasa Thakura?

Srila Narayana Gosvami Maharaja: The worshipful Deity of Brahma is Garbodakasayi Visnu (an expansion of Maha-Visnu).

Question: I don’t really understand how the two personalities, Prahlada Maharaja and Lord Brahma, are both in the body of Haridasa Thakura.

Srila Narayana Gosvami Maharaja: It is very easy for Krsna; very, very easy. As He manifests as millions in order to dance with each gopi in rasa-lila, the associates of Krsna are like Him. They are very powerful and can manifest in millions of forms. One example is Narada. Wherever Krsna’s pastimes take place, Narada is present. He is in Brahma-loka, Visnu-loka, Narayana-loka, Dvaraka, and sometimes in Vraja. Moreover, Vraja-lila is going on in several universes, and Narada Rsi expands into many forms to be with Krsna in all those universes. Sometimes he is with Brahma, or Prahlada Maharaja. We see this truth in Svarupa Damodara as well – so many are within him. And, regarding Raya Ramananda, he is Arjuna-sakha, Arjuna-gopi, and also Visakha gopi. When Krsna descends to this world, all of His incarnations come with Him, although we cannot see Them.

[*Endnote 1: “It is true that we are not seeing Krsna, but He sees us, and He may hear what we say to Him. We do not hear what He is telling us, and we do not hear His calling us by playing His flute, but our call is heard by Krsna who is very kind and causelessly merciful. He has sent all our guru-parampara acaryas, He has also sent Jesus, and sometimes He Himself descends with all His associates – only because He loves us. 

       “He is calling us: “Come, come My sons and daughters. Chant this mantra: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Chant even one time. I will take you to Goloka Vrndavana and you will be transcendentally happy forever.” Do not be hopeless; never be hopeless. You can always have hope, because He is weeping for us. He is lamenting for us. We cannot lament or weep for Him, but He is lamenting and weeping for us. Go on chanting, remembering and offering obeisances, and you will be able to very quickly attain all the invaluable gifts I have described. [Lecture by Srila Gurudeva in Odessa, 2002]
      “Do you know why I have come here from so far away, from India? I have come to remind you that you are refugees in this world. You have come to this world because you have forgotten Krsna. Krsna has mercifully given us this human form only so that we can remember Him and perform His devotional services, not for any other reason. Always remember that death is on our head, death is below us, in front of us and behind us – waiting.

One day soon you will become old; you must become old. At that time no doctor or scientist will be able to save you, for they will also become old. Neither your mother, nor your father, nor your friends, nor anyone else will be able to go with you when you have to leave this world, and you will not be able to take with you a single farthing. Therefore, what you are doing at present may be likened to the activities of the donkeys – laboring all day with no result. Always remember this.

Do not worry about being happy in this world, and do not try to remove your suffering artificially. As suffering comes without invitation, happiness will also come automatically; there is no need to endeavor for this.
Krsna has invested all His power and mercy in His names. All His qualities are endowed in His holy names: “Hare Krsna Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama Hare Hare.”

Time is very short; no one knows when death will come. Even an old person may remain alive and his or her children may die. Nothing is certain, so do not endeavor for anything material. Go on chanting, and certainly everything for your maintenance will be automatically provided. Always chant and remember Krsna, and be happy forever. This is the essence of our entire Indian literature, including the Vedas, Upanisads, Bhagavad-gita, and Srimad-Bhagavatam. If you want to be happy, chant and serve Krsna, and then happily return to your original place, Goloka Vrndavana – back to Godhead, back to home.

Devotee: Will we know you there?

Srila Narayana Gosvami Maharaja: I will keep a place for you there. [Srila Gurudeva’s lecture in Vancouver, Canada: 2008]
If you throw a piece of stone, earth, wood, or any other solid or liquid object in the sky, it will go upward and then return down. Why? This is due to the Earth's law of gravitation. Anything made of earth, wood, and so on will fall down if there is nothing to hold it up. On the other hand, flames of a fire also go up, but they do not turn again towards the earth. If you send a balloon into the sky, it will go up and it may be that it will never return. The example of the balloon is given because a balloon refers to the air; and air and fire are not part of the earth. When any part of a whole meets with its whole, the two will exist together and be happy. Otherwise, if they do not have this relationship, they will not. Similarly, we are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, so unless we meet Him with love and affection, we cannot be happy. This is the philosophy of love. [Odessa, 2002]
[*Endnote 2 – (An example of how Hitler and his activities are highly condemned by Gurudeva, Srila Narayana Gosvami Maharaja, is given in his book, the biography of his own spiritual master, called The Life and Teachings of Sri Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja, as follows:
Jyoti Babu: “We don’t believe in Veda-sastra. We believe in hard work. Work (karma) is life, work is God . It is because of people like you that this country has gone to hell. You people should do some work yourselves and then give instructions about work (karma). Begging alms is the occupation of cowards.”

Srila Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Gosvami Maharaja: “It is atheists like you who have caused the devastation of India. India was happier and more civilized than the other countries of the world as long as her politics were governed by dharma and her people were faithful and religious. In ancient times stalwarts like Hiranyakasipu, Ravana, Duryodhana and Kamsa were far greater advocates of karma than you are, but the scriptures recount how they all came to an abominable end. More recently, we have heard of Alexander the Great and Napoleon, and in modern times champions of karma like Hitler, Mussolini and Lenin. Have you not observed their contemptible fate? There is no place in India for atheists like Carvaka and others. India is the country of sanatana-dharma. No one can vanquish this sanatana-dharma, no matter how influential he may be. A day will come when you will not even have the opportunity to repent.”

Friday, 22 November 2013

Dr. Frog Philosophy

There was once a frog who had lived all his life in a well. One day a friend visited him and informed him of the existence of the Atlantic Ocean.

"Oh, what is this Atlantic Ocean?" asked the frog in the well.

"It is a vast body of water," his friend replied.

"How vast? Is it double the size of this well?"

"Oh, no, much larger," his friend replied.

"How much larger? Ten times the size?"

In this way the frog went on calculating. But what was the possibility of his ever understanding the depths and far reaches of the great ocean?

Our faculties, experience, and powers of speculation are always limited. The frog was always thinking in terms relative to his well. He had no power to think otherwise.

Similarly, the scientists are estimating the Absolute Truth, the cause of all causes, with their imperfect senses and minds, and thus they are bound to be bewildered. The essential fault of the so-called scientists is that they have adopted the inductive process to arrive at their conclusions. For example, if a scientist wants to determine whether or not man is mortal by the inductive process, he must study every man to try to discover if some or one of them may be immortal. The scientist says, "I cannot accept the proposition that all men are mortal. There may be some men who are immortal. I have not yet seen every man. Therefore how can I accept that man is mortal?" This is called the inductive process. He may study thousand, two thousand, five thousand, but he cannot study all the men. Therefore his conclusion remains always defective.

And the deductive process means you take the idea from superior person that man is mortal. Your father, your teacher, or your guru says that man is mortal, and you accept it.

If you accept, then your knowledge is perfect.

Therefore inductive process is not always perfect. The deductive process, from the authority, the knowledge received, is always perfect.

Ref :chapter 6, Science of Self Realization authored by Srila Prabhupada

Thursday, 21 November 2013

How KC can help me deal with exam stress?? plz help...


ISKCON Desire Tree - Devotee Network

Hare krishna...pamho

exams bring lot of stress for me.although knowing that we should concentrate on the work in hand and leave the result in krishna's hand, i feel due to my dependence on krishna , i am not able to give my 100% input for preparation and loose self confidence. also i m not able to do my sadahna properly during exams :( i don't know how to deal with it and let my devotion be unaffected.
i request the humble devotees to guide me for this problem.


First thing, exam or no exam, there is no compromise on chanting. YOu have to chant your committed rounds everyday - never mind the pressure. Ideally, one should concentrate while chanting, but if you are not able to do so, still chant and complete your rounds everyday.

If you love Krsna, you will follow His teachings in Bhagavad Gita. The lord clearly states that we have to do our prescribed duty. This is one of the foremost things we all tend to give up when we first come to KC, we give up our "attachment to our prescribed duty" and think we are progressing in spirituality, so it doesnt matter that we are not doing our duty properly. That is not pleasing to Krsna. We have to do our duty. In your case, it is studying. Remember, studying hard and appearing for exams is your prescribed duty, cheating and passing is not. It is no longer allowed, because you may be able to fool the examiners, you know you cannot fool the lord. So the only way out for you is to know the answer yourself.

I have chanted throughout my school finals, college and CA exams. In fact, looking back, I feel the lord helped me pass CA. I never did any tutions. The subjects that I was finding difficult, the lord arranged for my friends, who were rank holders, to teach me and the day before the exams also, they would bunk their office and sit with me and help me revise. The next day, the same questions would appear in the exam and thus I passed. If the lord could help an insignificant person like me, then why He wont help you? You have to be sincere in your sadhana as well as your preparations for exams, he will provide you all the help and guidance you need.
Unfortunately, there is no shortcut to hardwork, not even KC. So chin down, nose in your books and get down to studying.

One of my friends is also doing her CA. So she goes to the Temple to Mangala Arati, and after Guru puja leaves for her studies. Of course completing her rounds at the Temple.
HH Radhanath Swami once in lecture told: as if in previous ages people used to go to forests for doing tapasya nowadays students go to institutions to study, staying in the hostels, eating austere food, less sleep ...
so if we want to serve to Krishna nicely then we have to tolerate austerities and do our duties with our best after chanting our rounds.
Another incident was: husband and wife; wife was doing job husband studying. So she has to work very hard because he needed money for his education. Maharaj told her to do the minimum but the most important part of seva which is chanting 16 rounds then do her job until husband gets his PhD degree.
She did as Maharaj told.  Now they are very demanded eye doctors and doing so much for Krishna both materially and spiritually.
When we wake up on time and sleep on time then we can learn many things in few hours where as sleeping late and waking up late will decrease our intelligence which means we won't be able to memorize things.

Material exams are juzz dummyy lot and lot had written  t same thing and succeeded we are just doing t same. My suggestion is Be ready to face exams as time pass in ur material  life. Dont compare with spiritual exam means our sadhanas.....othrwise maya will capture as .
Be happyyy....

hari bol!!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013


Bhagavad Gita is the Holy Book of teachings of Lord Sri Krishna! After a few introductory messages, You'll get the texts of Gita in series!

Whenever U are confused which is right or wrong in dealing with situations, just read Gita; U'll get a spritual solution as if it is said for you!

If U understand Bhagavad gita SINCERELY, recognising Lord Krishna's Supremacy, U'll face all ups & downs of life EQUALLY; No pride, No upset!

Bhagavad Gita is needed now as almost all people feel some vacuum in life even after achieving all comforts of life! Gita Fills the vacuum!

I humbly say, "Only useful thing I've done in this life is, Reading Bhagavad Gita! It makes me blissful!"  Please Read it & Feel it! Really Powerful!

Let us see the brief  background of BHAGAVAD GITA in simple terms for the understanding of even new devotees.

It is a part of Mahabharatha, Holy book of collection of events that truly happenned more than 5100 years ago!

In Mahabharatha, Duryodhana, a Gaurava king cheats Pandavas by playing dice, a game of chance  & captures the parts ruled by Arjuna (Pandavas)! Lord Krishna had incarnated at that time! Pandavas are 5 brothers, Yudhishtra(dharma), Bheema, Arjuna, Nagula and Sagadeva, who were born to mother Kunthi!

Arjuna was a close friend & follower of Lord Krishna! Lord Krishna advised Duryodhana to return the land he had illegally acquired from Pandavas!

Duryodhana neglected all the advices of Sri Krishna, and categorically said that he will not return even a small piece of land! Finally, as there is no other way to establish the Dharma, Lord Krishna advised Arjuna to fight a war with Duryodhana as all His peace efforts failed!

War started between the two sides, ie, Arjuna & Duryodhana! Arjuna's Gurus (Teachers), friends & relatives stood with Duryodhana, ie, against Arjuna.

Before starting the war, Arjuna was confused! How can I kill my teachers, relatives & friends? Should I get back my country by killing them?

He was confused which is real dharma(good deed) & adharma(wrong deed)! He sat on the chariot saying "I wont kill them. It is adharma(wrong)"

Here, Lord Sri Krishna starts teaching Arjuna about Dharma and all secrets of His Creations! His famous teachings were compiled in 18 chapters & 700+ texts! Compilation was done by Sri Vyasa, also a form of Lord Krishna Himself who took birth along with the Lord, to compile all His actions on earth!

The compilation is called Bhagavad Gita, the Most Popular & Holy Book admired worldwide & translated in all languages and Crores of copies sold!

Lord Sri Krishna's Gita Teachings made Arjuna to act with a balanced mind & dedicating his duties to Lord krishna! He succeeded & got back his country!

I'll post texts of Bhagavad Gita, purely as a service to Lord! Follow & Be Happy!

These happenings & confusion of Arjuna is explained by Sanjaya to Dhritharashtra, father of Duryodhana till 10 th text of chapter-2. After that, Krishna starts speaking! Gita actually starts from that text only! So, when you read the commentary of Bhagavad Gita by me, detailed comments will be given by me only from Text-10 of chapter-2. Till that, I will write the happenings in the battle field as it is! With some comments if required!

Of course, every word I post in this site is just an attempt to serve the lord by preaching His teachings & Glories!  Bhagawan's Glories are endless & immesurable & No person in this world can fully understand & explain His Glories! I pray Srila Prabhupada to offer me strength and knowledge to succeed in my mission.

Send message with your views on my postings! If U need the full Book of Bhagawad Gita, just send message! I'll give the address where it is available in your town, country or nearby countries! Or, order to me; I will purchase and send it to you!

Tuesday, 19 November 2013


why we need a guru! We need Manthra to connect to Krishna. The Manthra should come through disciplic succession. We need an authorised Guru so that we can get Manthra from him! And, we can not goto krishna’s Kingdom directly. Here, our Guru stands as a connecting point between us & Krishna, because, he is already close to Krishna.

You know, if you want the Prime Minister, you can not straightaway go to his office & instantly meet him. You need some connecting persons! Some one who is close to P.M or P.M’s Secretary, like that! He will take you to P.M’s office. Because, P.M’s office is the protected area. Similarly, Krishna’s Goloka is also a protected area. Persons with pending bundle of sins, still to be wiped off can not enter there. First you should wipe the sins off. You can’t do it on your own. A genuine guru can accept all yr sins, purify you & take you to Krishna. Like, the Security/ Secretary of P.M who checks you up thoroughly & confirm that you don’t have any bombs, etc. Here, the bombs are sins. They must be removed. Only a pure & genuine Guru can do this.

So, if we choose a genuIne guru, we can go to Goloka Brindavan. If we choose a pretender or money minded person or a person having weakness of prime senses, sorry, we can not go to Brindavan, but to hell or to jail in earth itself. Because, such gurus will involve us in the samsara further deeply, and make us to do sins more vigourously. We will never be cleaned. So, think 100 times well before choosing a guru. Pray/ cry to Krishna himself to show you a suitable guru!

You may ask, Are there genuine gurus? Yes! There are! Though most of the persons have been contaminated in Kali Yuga, there are genuine gurus also! We should identify them properly. U ask, If I purchase a brinjal, it is easy to confirm whether it is good or not! But, how can I identify a genuine Guru? What is the formula for identifying a genuine guru? This is a very big topic. We R going to discuss it ! However, I give here authoritative sloka first given by Sastras & then discuss it in detail one by one.

Srila Rupa Goswami’s 1 st Sloka in Upadesamrutham gives us authoritative & very sharp formula to identify a genuine Guru. We will discuss it in detail daily! Let us now see the sloka:

Vaso Vegam manasa: krotha vegam
Jihva Vegam Uthrobastha Vegam
Edhaan Vegaan Yo Vishahedha dheera
Sarvaam Abimaam Pruthiveem Sa Sishyad.

Meaning: "A person of consistancy who is able to control (i) Inducement to Speak (ii) Needs of the mind (iii)Actions of Anger, (iv)Tongue, (v)Stomach, (vi)Sexual Organs, is qualified to accept disciples throughout the world!"

Though this is just a single sloka, we need to elaborate it, one every day, to get a clear picture! As this topic is very sensitive, to be written very responsibly, I request the devotee friends to ask sensitive questions without reading the entire series! However, if U find the posts good, you can comment it now itself!

Today’s Posts are very sharp as all the posts of today are Srila Prabhupada sharp comments about those who cross the Lakshman Rekha as a Guru. Srila Prabhupad Says: Some people do sins & try to compensate (Prayaschitham) them by doing a good Karma. For example, a thief knows that he will be arrested for this illegal actions. He also has seen some other thiefs being arrested by police! Still, he continues stealing! Intelligent persons gain experience by seeing & hearing. More intelligent persons read Sastras & learn that stealing is wrong & a thief will be punished if caught & hence avoid such actions. But, fools continue stealing though they know it is wrong! Such fools go to jail, come back & continue stealing again. If U consider, Jail Punishment is a compensation(Prayaschitham) for the offences, what is the use of these compensations?


Many others commit sins between Monday to Saturday & go to God on Sunday & accept his sins for the past 6 days & think that they have got relief from sins. They start doing sinful activities again Monday to Saturday. They think, "Sunday will come; we can clear our sins". So, Maharaj Parikshith says to Sukadev Gosvami in Srimad Bhagavatham: " A SIN CAN NOT BE COMPENSATED BY A GOOD KARMA". Real Compensation is "Awakening the Krishna Consciousness that is in the sleeping state within us".

How to do that? A person is not affected by diseases until he follows proper sanitation, cleanliness & health! A man is to be trained as per a particular principles! Thus, we can renew his real knowledge! This proper way of life is called "Thabas". If we follow the regulative disciplinary principles of Krishna Consciousness, you can come to this stage! This simple process is recommended by Srila Rupa Gosvami.

O.K, friends, Next, Let us discuss the characters of Guru one by one!

(1)First Point is Controlling Speech!
A guru should talk only about Krishna & related things. He should not speak like a frog. A frog invites snakes by unnecessarily raising a peculiar sound. The frogs call: "Oh, snake, come & eat me!" If the frogs are silent, snakes can not find them & swallow. Similarly, if a guru speaks unnecessarily, he is inviting problems to his spritual service. One starts to speak whenever he gets chance to speak! He speaks about everything except Krishna Consciousness! But, Controling speech means not just shutting the mouth down. It means speaking only about Krishna Katha & Krishna Conscious only! Srila Prabhupad says: "Those who preaches Krishna Katha, is above the death". This is the method of controlling speech.

So, if a guru speaks about unnecessary things controlled by maya, he is not a genuine guru. He will speak attractively about material things to attract innocent people or the people who are in distress or who are in tension or people who faced a failure in life! He also assures that he will speak to God & cure all their problems overnight! Those people believe that that guru speaks very attractively so that they spent that time well & he will solve all their problems! They don’t know, that they have wasted their precious time in hearing things that take them away from Krishna to maya & they are going to lose their wealth & identity as a devotee of Krishna!

So, My dear friends, WATCH THE SPEECHES OF A GURU! Decide whether he is genuine or not! If he gives the assurances like the above, don’t believe tham! Remember, Guru is not to solve the problems of your family overnight! he has to guide you to come out of the problems & enter the eternal Kingdom of Krishna!

I write these points as a person among you, Not from a different platform above you. I also speak only authoritatively, though you feel that they are very sharp! My policy is, A devotee has every right to know these things!

Our thoughts creates 3 types of inducements in us: 1.of speak 2.of mind 3.of body. When a man fall in to these 3 inducements, his life becomes affected. Anyone who learnt to oppose these 3 inducements is a ‘Thabasvi’. He can escape from the actions of maya. If a person likes to enjoy the material world without control, it will reflect in his speech & writings! Some persons (gurus) speak unnecessary words & write useless books! So, a guru, should avoid them! He should speak only related to Krishna!

Srimad Bhagavatham ( says: "The words that do not speak about the Bhagawan Krishna that purifies the entire universe, those words are considered as the dustbins that attract crows only!. Meantime, if the words that speak of the Name, Rupa, Lilas of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, those words make revolutionary changes in the minds of people who live an uncontrolled life, though those words have some mistakes". So, if a guru is sincere in Krishna Conscious, we should accept his words about Krishna, though they have some mistakes! (Though a guru speaks attractively, we should not accept his words, if he does not speak ONLto be said to youY about Krishna!)

We can escape from the unnecessary talks only if we talk about Krishna! We should use our words to know more about Krishna Consciouness! Sri Jagannatha Panditha requests those who has accepted the Sanyasa, ie, renunciation: "Oh, My dear Brother, You are in a renunced life! Don’t ask or speak about the material things! DON’T THINK OF GIRLS EVEN IN DREAMS! (Girls, Sorry, this is for gurus/ renunced persons, not for Grahasthas. So, Don’t get agitated. Even Grahasthas should not think of multiple girls! I will write later!) You have accepted a renunced life in which you should avoid the contacts with girls! If you like to have association with Sri Chaitanya Maha Prabhu, remember how Mahaprabhu rejected Chotta Haridoss (for his activities)! You should not wear rich dresses! Be humbe & keep Sri Sri Radha Krishna at the centre of your heart & serve them!"
Remember, a genuine renunced guru will speak with ladies only in public forum! He will never speak to a girl/lady privately when he is alone! He will try to avoid the eye to eye contacts with girls! He will maintain atleast 10 feet distance with ladies even in a public forum! He will never ask about yr personal life & problems!

All these points will help U to know abou the guru through his speeches! Friends, Let me finish the first character of guru with this!

Third character of a genuine guru is Controlling Anger!
A guru should control anger! It is not possible to stop anger. But we can control it! Srila Prabhupad says: "If we get angry only on the persons who insult Krishna & His devotees, not every one, this is the way of controlling anger! Thus the anger is controlled only within Krishna Consciousness! Sri Chaitanya Maha Prabhu had acquired renunciation! He is so merciful. However, when Sri Nityananda Prabhu was insulted & attacked by two persons- Jagai & Madhai, Maha Prabhu showed anger! Sri Chaitanya Maha Prabhu has said in Sikshashtaka: ‘thrunaath abi soonisena tharor abisahishnuna’, that means ‘one should be more humble than grass and more patient than a tree’. Then, why he showed anger on Jagai & madhai? Answer is: One shoul be prepared to bear the insults to himself! But a genuine devotee (say, a guru) acts like fire when Bhagawan or Bhagawan’s devotees are insulted!

We can’t stop anger! But, we can use it correctly whenever needed! Sri Hanumanji fired entire Sri Lanka! He is the Best & Humble devotee of Lord Ram! Then why he showed anger? Because, He did it for Lord Ram! ie, Hanumanji used his anger in a proper way! So, it is divine! Another example is Arjun! He did not like to fight a war! But, Krishna kindled the anger of Arjun! (My comment: Very nice point: ‘Krishna kindled the anger of Arjun! Enjoyable!). He said, "You must fight this war!". It is not possible to fight a war without anger! When the anger is used in Bhagawan’s Service, it is purified & controlled!"

Our unstable mind has two types of excitements:
1. Avirotha Preethi, ie, uncontrolled attachment, Eg: Following the principles of Mayavathis, Expecting benefits from our actions like Karmavathis, Putting faith on the plans based on material desires;

2.Virotha Yuktha krotha, ie, Anger due to disappointment! Gnanis, karmis & those who plan material plans, generally attracts the attention of materialistic people! But, when the plans of materialistic persons do not work out, they become angry!

Next, The fourth Character of a Guru! Srila Prabhupad Says: The needs of a body can be classified into three parts: 1.Needs of Tongue 2. Needs of stomach and 3.Needs of Sexual organs! All these needs are situated on the same line, ie, the needs of body starts from tongue only! If a person controls his tongue in eating only Krishna Prasadh, one can control the inducements of all his senses! How?

The fourth character of a guru is controlling tongue!
That means, controlling eating! Srila Prabhupad Says: "If we use our tongue only for eating Krishna Prashadam, we can control the inducements of tongue, stomach & Sexual Organs! Srila Bhakthi Vinodha Tagore says about this: ‘My Lord! This material body is the total form of ignorance! Its organs are the connections of routes that lead us to death! Any way, we have fallen in to the Material Sense Gratification (satisfaction)!

More over, among all our senses, this tongue is very inducing & difficult to be controlled!It is very difficult to control the tongue in this world! But, Krishna, You are very affectionate on us! You have sent this excellent prasadham to us, only to help us in controlling the tongue! So, We will take this prasadham with full satisfaction, praise you & invite Sri Chaitanya maha Prabhu & Sri Nityanandha Prabhu to help us in this!’

There are 6 types of tastes! If anyone gets oscillated due to any one of them, he is attached with the inducenment of tongue! Some people are attracted by the food prepared using meat, fish, egg, blood, etc. These items are considered as the forms of dead animals! many others are attracted by vegetables, grren leaves, milk products etc. But, all there are taken only to satisfy the tongue!

Krishna Conscious Devotees should avoid the food made up of so many Masala items, chillies, tamarind, etc. They should also avoid Pan, Betelnuts, tobaco, LSD, Marijuana, Abin, Arrack/ Alcohol, Coffee & Tea! (Don’t be angry with me for writing to skip Coffee/ tea. Of course, they induce nerves! It may be difficult for you, but possible if you try!). If you follow the practice of eating only those offered to Krishna, it is easy for us to escape from Maya! The food made of Vegetables, nuts, grains, fruits, Milk Products & Water are ideal to be offered to Krishna! Bhagawan Krishna Himself says this in Gita. But, though you eat only the Krishna Prasadam, you should not eat yoru full stomach! If U do so, U will fall into the need/ actions of tongue!

Sri Chaitanya maha Prabhu has taught us to avoid multiple varieties of food even as Prasadam. If you prepare the food in a mentality that you should eat variety of items & hence U prepare & offer varieties to krishna, that means that you have tried to please your senses, not Krishna!

Sri Chaitanya Charitamruta Says: Gihvara lalase Yei ithi uthithaya sisnodhara parayana Krishna Nahi paya", ie, "One can’t attain Krishna if he runs here & there to satisfy his tongue, stomach & Sexual Organs!"
Srila Prabhupad Continues: "As far as the inucements of tongue is concerned, it always like to eat only tasty varieties! We should not allow to eat according to the instructions of tongue! We should control it by giving Prashad (Offered food). A true devotee eats only when Krishna offers prashada to him! This the way to control the tongue! We should take prashad punctually at a particular time!"
Srila Prabhupad Continues: "We should not eat at hotels, or petty shops, etc just to please our tongue & Stomach! Chaitanya Charitamrutha (Antya: 6.326) says: "Don’t wear rich dresses; Don’t eat foods that are exceptionally tasty". Those who have been affected by stomach problems are only those who were unable to control the inducements of the Stomach!"
Srila Prabhupad Continues: " When we eat more than the required quantity, we invite many inconveniences automatically! However, if we follow the fasting on Ekadasi, Janmashtami, etc, we can control the inducements of Stomach!". Thus, A guru should follow all these controls of tongue & Stomach to be qualified to be a guru. These advices are for all devotees also to remain a devotee free from offences!"

The points that we discuss here is applicable for all people/ living being irrespective of race/ religion/ zone, etc. Had Krishna not given the sexual desire for every living being, the whole world will have no population! These feelings are just like another feeling like periodical apetite to eat in time! The difference is, The apetite to eat can not be controlled, but a person can control sexual apetite & live his full life! So, for the maintenance of the world order, Krishna has given this Sexual factor for all living beings in this world! (How Krishna gave this? I will tell that tommorrow). So, the purpose of this sexual desire is, to get children! Sastras give no more importance to it! Why?

These desires, when given much importance in life, lead to disappointment when the age advances! They are age related factors! So, one should not have too much of expectations about Sexual Feelings as they are only temporary! If one thinks about them, the desire increases! So, One should divert his mind in eternal feelings!

Before going to spritual points, let me give some biological points in 4-5 posts, related to how these typical inducements & sexual offences occur! Don’t think whether these details R necessary! There are reasons to write them that you can understand later!

How to train our children to be sexually stable? The harmone that gives female special characters is Progesterone; Similarly, the harmone that gives male characters is Testosterone! Both R available in males & females! In Females, Progesterone is more & testosterone is less! In males, testosterone is more & progesterone is less! These harmones remain idle till the age 12 or 13.

For every male & female, when he/she attains the age of 13 to 15, these harmones start developing secondary sexual characters like the internal & external changes in the body! This is the period to be taken care of in every child, as the child remain confused about these changes! Between the age of 13-18, these children feel pleasant feeling on seeing opposite sex! These children feel happy to decorate themselves! They try to convince themselves that they are beautiful & feel happy if their beauty is recognised by others! This is the crucial period that the children have to take care! This is the period that these sexual harmones induce the person to oscillate their mind on opposite sex! This is the period that most of the male offender take advantage of that child!

This feeling purposefully created by these harmones continues throughout the life of a person till the age of 50-60! So, a person has to fight with these harmones till he/ she gets old! The Secretion of these harmones gets reduced in the fifties in females & in sixtees in males! So, throughout the life, the females & males, if they interact without control, these harmones get induced & hence the persons commit sexual offences! That is why, our sastras have warned that women & men should not interact beyond a limit!

When many children diverts their mind in Studies, Chanting, Reading Spritual texts & Sath Sangha, these harmones will remain under control & will not affect them! Instead, if they mingle with the contaminated society, without involvement in Krishna COnsciousness, the chances of their being disturbed is more! Because, they will not have the mind stability to refuse wrong doing as these wrong actions are temporarily making the life enjoyable!

As every person is subject to these disturbances (though no one accepts this publicly), A Guru should be very careful in dealing with women! At any time, they will lose their stability when they mingle with women without control! Another thing we have no other way than to accept is: Women are more beautiful than men in this world! Krishna has created like that so that the population & the world order is maintained! Men are easily affected by even a small manerism of women & hence the men are advised to maintain a decency with women, if they like to improve in spritual life! In short, Gurujis, if they maintain uncontrolled contacts with women may fall from the spritual advancement! This is applicable to all the human being!

What to do if the disturbances occur again and again? Don’t feel shy! They must tell their parents to arrange a match & get married immediately! They are allowed to marry a girl & lead a Krishna Conscious family! Sastras suggest that boys & girls get married before 25 so that they can improve in spritual life after bringing his children up! Instead of spoiling the purity of many girls, it is better to live with a single girl following Krishna Consciousness!

Srila Prabhupada is very strict while advising in this matter! He says: "We can control the inducements of sexual organs, by refraining from using the feelings in improper ways! One must use the sexual organs only to get a Krishna Conscious children! Otherwise, one should not use them! ISKCON supports marriages only to get Krishna Conscious children! Not for the sense gratification (satisfaction)!"

Srila Prabhupad continues: "In ISKCON, these children are sent to the Gurukuls situated in Mayapur or Vrindavan. There, they are trained to be a full Krishna Conscious choildren! Those who are eligible to get Krishna Conscious choildren are allowed to use their sexual organs! When one gets full practice in the Regulative Principles of Krishna Consciousness, he gets the eligibility to be a Spritual Guru!" (Contd)

Srila Prabhupad Continues: "As far as the inducements of Sexual organs are concerned, there are two types! One is acceptable Sexual relation & the other is Immoral sexual contact! When a man attains the right maturity, he is allowed to marry & get Good children! It is aceptable to sastras & Legal. If it is not allowed, he may use wrong methods for satisfaction! " (My comment: Even a guru is allowed to lead a married life!)"

O.K! What are the other things to follow to avoid these sexual inducements? I will tell them tommorrow! Bye friends! I think, it is too much of details that I have written even on tour! I hope, these details are very useful to you! This page is to guide you all aspects of spritual life so that you can live happily without unnecessary confusions & doubts! Let us meet again tommorrow!

O.K, We r discussing the last character of a Genuine Guru, ie, Contrlling Sexual Inducements! You may think, why I am giving such plenty of details about these sexual offences! My answer is: Sexual Discipline is the Prime & Most important necessity of a Guru & all men & women! I never discuss anything without any reasons! I have seen most of the devotees are innocent!

My commanding advice to all of you is : "Don’t be innocent! Apply the intelligence given by Krishna! Krishna says in Gita: ‘I am your intelligence!’ Don’t just blindly believe whatever others say! Review, why they are saying so & decide after taking time!"

Now, I tell you some alarming facts! THERE IS NO SAFETY FOR EVEN A CHILD IN THIS WORLD! These criminals have not spared even children in the age group of 7-17! A very responsible N.G..O took a survey among school children throughout India, that was accepted by our Govt! It says: "65 % of the children in India have somehow or other, faced some kinds of sexual disturbances right from their age 7-10, till 17. Among them, 10-15% are serious offences & 85-90% are purposeful disturbances for their private organs! The survey further adds that 90% of the persons who commit these crimes are not new persons from outside, but from within the family circle, like relatives, friends on whom the parents put their confidence & allow the children to play with them without any supervision & advice!

How these offences occur? It is not only the innocence of children, but also ours! Our sastras say, if a girl attains the age of 8, no male member should touch her unnecessarily! The girl/ boy children of the age group 6-15 will not be able to differentiate which is good & which is bad! As these criminals are their known people, these children think that all they experience may be right as it is their known person! Adding fuel to fire, when these disturbances occur from a known person, he/she is not able to stop it, because these children innocently enjoys the feelings they realise!

So, I tell you, We only should safeguard ourselves! No need of blaming others! We should invole the children in Sprituality right from childhood & supervise their activities! A mother should decently educate their 9-13 years old girl child about the body changes & why it happens & to which level she can allow others (even relatives & friends) to touch them & how to react if there are any disturbances for her private organs! The same thing should be educated by the father to his son! If this is done, we can save our children from such Criminals who are increasing in number! Remember, this is Kali Yug! If we are not intelligent & careful, we are not protected & the world will override on us & go forward! So, come out of innocence & Be alert!

O.K, As I am also a Qualified Psychological Counsellor, I have written them as clearly as possible without damaging the status of this spritual page! With this, I stop writing more about Sexual offences! As innocence is the reason for children to lose their safety to seniors, the same innocence is the reason for any matured women to lose their sexual safety! So, women in this Kali Yug should safeguard themselves!

As only women are mostly vulnerable to sexual offences, I give some tips, only for innocent women to follow while following Spritual practice:
 1.Consider any spritual organisation as just a Gurukul teaching/ training us to learn Sprituality! It is a spritual school. That’s all!

2.Don’t wear rich dresses & jewels & avoid rich make up when you go to temples & Spritual organisations! Go as simply as possible!

3. As Gurus are following/ trying to follow Bramhacharya/ Sanyasa, keep a distance of about 5-10 feet while asking doubts! Speak to him only in Public! Don’t laugh & joke as U do to your brother/ sister.

4. I have seen an innocent girl (age 21) who first liked the words of a Siksha Guru (Age 52), but later liked that guru himself! That guru fell from brahmacharya, married her, now living with a child with problems!

5. Ask only the doubts on following Krishna Consciousness to a guru!

6.When the programmes are over in a temple/ Spritual Organisation, come back to home!

7. Always be in crowd! Don’t be alone! 8. If a person asks about yr family’s personal matters, don’t tell them! Never tell any complaints about yr husband/ children to any 3rd person including ladies! Let them be within 4 walls!

9. Just because a guru is very genuine, that does not mean we can speak freely with all his staff members! They are following/ trying to follow that guru! So, let us leave them alone!

10. If any person speaks/acts offensively in a spritual organisation/ temple, first complain it to higher authorities! If no steps R taken, leave that organisation/ temple & go to another branch of it or another temple! Nothing is lost!

Most importantly, this body is beautiful now, but will be contaminated in 3-4hrs after we leave this body! We R this Athma! Not body! So, let us not care the body feelings though they R powerful! Krishna Consciousness is more powerful than it. Pour the Krishna Consciousness water on the fire of Kama! Things R over! Be happy & blissful! Break the actions of Kali with the sword of Krishna Consciousness!

I have seen Sanyasis who never see at ladies while giving speeches! A Genuine Guru, who has sacrificed His life exclusively for Krishna, should be respected as we respect Krishna! Because, a genuine guru is innocent & has already got the special mercy of Krishna! He can guide us properly to go back to Krishna, fighting maya! So, Select a Genuine Guru & Go back to Krishna! This topic is over!

I am very happy to note that the topic on the qualities of a genuine guru has gained overwhelming response from my fans, particularly the quality of controlling sexual desires! Actually, I first hesitated to write the topic elaborately, as the friends may think unnecessary! But, after completing it, I can understand that the friends feel that a true guide has gone! Ruchi Kumari has written in comments to write more on this topic! I received two e-mails requesting me to write more about this topic!

I was able to learn almost all extremes of human life! These experiences matched with the trends mentioned in Sastras about Kali Yug! I have seen that most people respect only beautiful girls! They expect that the girl has something special within her! Imagine friends, if there is no skin around our body, who will like us? Then, there will only be flush, blood, urine, stool, nasty water, alarming series of teeth, and two cavities in the places of those beautiful flying eyes! Thats all!

I read a story! A prince of a country was going round the city! He saw a beautiful girl sitting at the veranda of a house! He immediately got attracted by her & he entered the house, and told her: "I am the nprince of this country! I am attracted by yr beauty! Please come with me!". The girl had dedicated her life for Lord’s service! The girl told him: "Please come after one month". The prince came after one month to that house.

That girl was not there, but another ugly girl with only bones & skin on her body was standing there! "He asked her: "Where is that beautiful girl, I saw a month back?" The girl replied: "It is me only!" Prince asked: "Hey, U were so beautiful then! Where is yr beauty?"

The girl took him to a room! She showed him 4 pots & told him: "Prince, I have saved all my beauty in these pots. See them!". The prince got confused & opened the pots one by one! One had full of stool, the other had full of urine, the other had full of blood & the other had full of saliva!

The girl told the prince: "Dear prince, our body is beautiful only because these items are inside them! If we remove them, our body will look like me only! Don’t give importance for beauty! It will disappear soon! Bye!".

The prince understood the reality & stopped his desire of enjoying the beautiful girls!

So, a girl or boy is beautiful only because there is athma inside & keeps her/ him bright eyed & with mannerisms! Actually, this body has been engineered by the greatest engineer Krishna in a well planned manner! The purpose is to multiply the population. So, fertilisation should happen. Krishna has given these organs for vital purpose of fertilisation & reprodution!

He has given food for the new born baby from mother herself! These milk producing & Storing organs to supply milk to baby are shown as symbol of sex by cinema & media! So, Why we should go for criminal acts in this matter?

So, my advice is :"Girls, Don’t think that there is some thing special in men! Boys, don’t think that there is some thing special in men! Both of them have only flush! So, value their heart & the sentiments in it. Give respect to opposite sex because, Krishna is inside that heart!"

Almost all genuine gurujis have said that we should avoid onion & garlic! Why? Of course, the onion once changed the Indian government at the centre! Because, at that time, the prices of Onion was not on earth, but on moon! So, we can understand how much the people are attached to onion! Mostly, it becomes a quarrel if the husband forgets to purchase onion & garlic! But, many spritual organisations avoid garlic & Onion!

Garlic & onion has a good & a bad property! Garlic has a compound called ‘Allicin’ that separates the Cholesterol from binding with each other that leads to coagulation & later closing blood vessels that leads to Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)! So, taking garlic may prevent cholesterol! The same effect is available in onion also in small quantities! But, if we take them for the sake of heart, we have a side effect!

Garlic & onion makes our body’s blood circulation fast! As the blood flows fast, it makes body brisk, tensioned & induces organs! This is called "Rajo Guna". As blood circulates fast, the sexual desires increase & hence offences! Mostly, those who take garlic & onion too much, always stand for fighting & enjoying life and those who avoid them are silent & peaceful & not ready for quarrels & do not commit sexual offences!

So, it is in our interest to decide which is better! If we like to improve in Krishna Consciousness, it is better to stop garlic/onion! Srila Prabhupad has said: "If anyone likes to improve in Krishna Consciousness, he should avoid Garlic & Onion & the Spicy (masala) items in our food! We should never offer the food that contains these items to Krishna!" Of course, it is very difficult! But, to develop Satva Guna, this is important!

So, if a person leads a disciplined life as per sastras, he will always have the mercy of Krishna! If he lives hidden lives also, how can he expect Krishna to come instantly? Srila Prabhupad writes in Bhagavatham (2-8-20): "With the mercy of Krishna, a devotee of Krishna like Ambharish Maharaj, can conquer very big Yogeswaras like Durvash Rishi! His Yoga Siddhis did not work before Ambharish!"
Srila Prabhupad Continues: "Dhrowpathi lead a pure life as a devotee of Krishna & Krishna came to her rescue! Srila Prabhupad writes in Bhagavatham (2-8-20): "The kings of Guru Vamsa wanted to see Dhrowpathi in an awkward stage (I changed words)! But, when she was in a dangerous/ helpless stage, Krishna saved her by offering an unlimited length of saree! Dhrowpathi didn’t know Krishna is Paramathma!"

Srila Prabhupad Continues: "The children remain safe with the strength of their parents! Children can not save themselves with any artifiial methods! But, they are protected by the mercy of their parents! Similarly, though the true devotees of Krishna do not learn yoga directly, they become yogeshwaras due to the unlimited strength/ power of Krishna!" This is the strength of purity! ie, devotion without offences!
Srila Prabhupad says in Purport for Srimad Bhagavatham (2-6-8): "People forget the burden of family when they feel the happiness in getting Sexual sense satisfaction & getting children! If Krishna had not given a coating on the sexual organ, that gives a pleasant feeling for a few minutes, the person will totally stop getting children & hence population growth will not be there!"

Srila Prabhupad continues: "The deep satisfaction given by this coating makes a person forget all his family problems! So, he does not get satisfied with a single child! Because of this temporary pleasant feeling, he increase the number of children & then, struggles to bring them up! However, this coating is real one as it starts from the transcendental body of Krishna Himself! So, it should be divine! But..

Though this coating comes from Krishna, when it comes to material world to humans, due to material contaminations, it loses its purity/ morality! In this material world, only the Sexual Life has been the reason for all the problems a man faces! So, No one should use this sexual desire beyond the requirement! Though we should multiply the population, we should give priority to Spritual development!"

Srila Prabhupad continues: "Considering the spritual development, one should follow family planning or stop sex life! For that, artificial methods of using contraceptives is to be totally avoided! (As Prabhupad has given frank words, I have replaced many words with soft ones in all my posts every day, as this page is read by even School Students). Using contraceptives is the sign of material contamination!"

Srila Prabhupad continues: "By using the contraceptives, the people like to make use of sexual life more, as it won’t create children! Only those who don’t realise the importance of Spritual development, use these Sexual organs more & lead a life with only material pleasure! So, one should avoid excessive sex life!" Thus, Srila Prabhupad advises to either reduce Sexual life or stop sexual life!"

So, My advice to all these criminals: "Don’t play with the life of Opposite sex! Sastras say: "If a person spoils the Virginity of an innocent girl/ boy, he/ she will be placed in the MOST CRUEL HELLS after his/ her death! If a Spritual person commits Sexual offences, he will be punished 1000 times severely than that for an ordinary offender!"

Jai Shree Krishna!

Be Aware Of Red Dot

This is important information for All

Be Aware Of The Red Dot inside A Red Square Symbol Which Shown On Chocolate Bars Like :

Bounty Chocolate Bar Mars/ Snickers ...

it's Shown Specifically At The Back Beside The Weight Numbers.
That Mark Means That These Products Contains Gelatin Which is Derived From PORK !!

They Put That Mark To Warn People Who Are Vegetarian That The Chocolate Bar Has

Non-Vegetarian Contents/ingredients in it.

Please Share This info With All Your Friends And Remember That

" The One Who Guides Others To Good Deeds is Like The One Who Does Them"

Monday, 18 November 2013


Let us see how Krishna created our body from His Own Body! These are the authorised verses written in Srimad Bhagavatham by Sri Vyasa Rishi, the Literary Avatar Of Sri Krishna! Srimad Bhagavatham (2-6-1): "Our mouth & Voice took birth from Bhagawan’s mouth! Vedas created from His Skin & its six layers! The varieties of food items followed by people originated from Krishna’s tongue"

Srimad Bhagavatham (2-6-2): "Our breath & air in this world started from the two passages of His nose! He created the medicinal plants just from His Smelling Power! All odours in this world has originated from His breathing! All our organs originated from His eyes! The sky & the sounds in this universe originated from his hearing ears!"

Srimad Bhagavatham (2-6-3): All the plant & trees (in particular those trees used in Yagas & Homas) in this universe originated from His hairs on His Body! The Clouds originated from His hairs on His head face! The eletricity, stones,& metals originated from his nails!
Srimad Bhagavatham (2-6-4): The Celestials & all the important leaders originated from His hands!"

Srimad Bhagavatham (2-6-5): "All three Logas (Upper, earth & lower) originated from His forwarding steps! All the fears we have take shelter at the feet of Krishna! (ie, if we surrender the feet of Krishna,we will have no fears!)

Srimad Bhagavatham (2-6-6): The genitals, Secretions & Sperms of our body has come from the genitals of Krishna! The temporary/ pleasant feeling at the time of Sexual exchanges are come from the genetals of Krishna!"

Srimad Bhagavatham (2-6-7): The Mithra, the king of Death lives in Krishna’s Anals! Our Jealousy, unluckiness, Death, Hell -All live at the Anals of Krishna!"

Srimad Bhagavatham (2-6-7 & 8): The back of Krishna is the living place of Disappointments, Innocence & Adharma! The rivers originated from His blood vessels! The mountains originated from Krishna’s Bones! The Seas & Oceans originated from His Bramma/ Arupa form of Krishna)! The material living beings start from his stomach! The Sukshma body inside our material body originates from His Heart!" 

I have been telling that women should take care of their safety, by not allowing their ‘Self’ & ‘Dignity’ sacrificed just by believing that most of the persons in this world R Perfect! As ‘Dignity’ can’t be regained easily, if lost once! So, instead of talking about modernity, equality, etc, etc, the women who R considered as the forms of Radharani, should lead a peaceful & safe life by coordinating with husbsnd!

If a couple lives an understanding life, no person will dare to enter in to their family! IF THERE IS NO GROUND IN THIS WORLD, NO ONE CAN PLAY GAMES! ie, If the women values the family traditions & show to the world that her life is happy, she will be safe from the actions of Maya! Sastras say that women should openly ask their husband if they need anything genuinely, including Sexual needs!

In a nutshell, I can summerise the characters of a person like this! A person has three images: 1. The image that he is showing to others that he has! 2. The image that others think that he has! 3. The real image that he only knows! (this real face will come out when a privacy or suitable situations arise)! So, Just because a person says one, we should not trust it, but analyse it well & then decide! Why he says so!

So, whether, he is a Guru or a Groom or a Bride, think well before you take decision of accepting them! Because, if it is a bride or bridegroom, you are going to entrust your body to that person, in his control, to protect from sins & maintain it! If it is a Guru, you are going to entrust your Athma to a Guru, in his control, to protect it from contamination & maintain it! So, care is the MUST in Both the Cases!

Sunday, 17 November 2013


Srila Prabhupad has stipulated Four Fegulative Principles!  H.H.Bakthi Vikas Swami Maharaj gives them like this:  "Anyone serious about progressing in Krishna Consciousness must try to avoid the following sinful activities:  1.Eating meat, fish or eggs
 3.Use of intoxicants
 4.Illicit Sexual Activities! 
If we follow Krishna Bhakthi with these prohibited actions, it won’t give expected results!"

     Why these regulations?  "Whatever, I do, let it be! my love on Krishna is true! Won’t he accept it?" Yes! He will accept it, but, not immediately! He will do an important thing first! He will wait & see whether you correct those sinful activities on your own! If not, He will give you so many experiences that will show you that these activities are not good for spritual development!

Thus, by giving tests, he will make you skip them in due ourse of time! You will skip them one fine day! Yes, it will happen! Once He finds that you are pure, He will embrace you as closely as possible! He accepts you as a pure devotee! That is why, devotees initially get so many problems! They cry: "Oh Krishna, why do U test yr devotee this much?". They don’t know, Krishna is mercifully cleansing them!

After mercifully cleaning your all past & present sins by giving problems, Krishna takes us back to him! He never allows us on earth again! He engages us in His service eternally! O.K!  "Why many of those who are not Krishna devotees live happily?". Answer is: They are under maya. Maya gives them pleasure to engage them always in the material world. Why she does so?

By giving pleasures/ comforts, she makes these innocent people think that they R happy! They feel happy today with a machine today, but disappointed tommorrow when it becomes faulty! They say when they get a lottery prize of 5 lakhs today, but feel upset when they lose 10 lakhs for heart surgery! They feel joy on getting Miss Universe as wife, but feels when she gets old & her skin becomes shrunk!

They R happy when they constructed a bungalow for his 6 feet body! He feels when he is at the last moments of death: "Oh, till date, I was here! How can I leave this house, wife, my loving son/daughter? What they will do if I leave? Oh, I can not see them never hereafter! How lovely my wife spoke so far? How sweetly my son kissed me? I have wasted the whole life. I want to live, but Yama is waiting to take me!"

His conscience now speaks: "Hey fool, What is the use if you cry at the time of death? Why did you fall prey to the colours of maya? How many devotees called you to come to temple with them? Did you go? Why? You thought that they are fools & going to temples! You insulted them that they do not know how to enjoy this world & They are negative minded persons! You didn’t donate even a single pie to them!"

Your conscience further asks you: "What happened now! They are happily ready to go out of this world! Because they are going to Krishna Loka! To enjoy the closest association of Krishna! They sacrificed the material comforta when you enjoyed them! So, they go to Krishna! You? Now, fear to go to yama & punishmants he is going to give for all yr sense enjoyments without caring the owner of them, Krishna!"

His conscience adds: "How many hours you wasted in sleeping, matting, earning excessively & spoiling the lives of others? Now, the time has come to answer them! Start, Go with the messengers of Yama! All you earned so far will not come with you, excep your sins!" Hearing the voice of his conscience, that man, unable to do anything to prevent Yama, he loses his eyes! What to do to avoid this situation?

To avoid going with yama & face punishments & go with Vishnu Dhoothas, we should cleanse ourselves on our own, sacrifice excessive sense gratifications, follow Krishna Consciousness seriously & happily go back to Godhead, Krishna! I write about these Four Regulative Principles for 3-4 days that will answer your doubts on which are allowed & which are prohibitted in Sastras, under these 4 heads!

As there is no use in realising them at the time of death, A man should adopt them from now! If we follow these regulative principles sincerely, we can follow Krishna Consciousness without difficulties compared to with others! We can not ride on two horses at a time! So, Let us ride on a single horse that takes us to Krishna: "Krishna Consciousness".

Every living being is expected to live as per the arrangements by Krishna for them! Many people who advocate Non-Vegetarianism say that if we don’t eat animals, the cycle of the Men & Animals will be affected as the number of animals will become more! Childish! Krishna is more brilliant than us! He has created wild animals for this purpose! They will maintain the population of animals! So, it is just a self authorisation!

In Krishna’s creations, every animal eats only what it is expected to eat! Tigers never eat grass! A cow never eats a goat/ dog! Man? He eats everything he sees! He eats all animals, all birds, snakes, even toasted ants & cockroaches! He never allows others free! He needs change in everything! He does not bother about rules of God! He must be satisfied. Thats all! Krishna has given variety of tasty vegetables for him!

The non-vegetarian foods are rich in Cholesterol & they increase Rajo Guna! These cholesterol causes heart attacks & many disorders! So, A devotee should avoid them! These non-veg foods increase Sexual desires & anger, both creating problems in life! You might have seen that most of the vegetarians are satviks, ie, they lead a peaceful life! They don’t stand first in creating problems! They R mostly graceful!

If you see what happens in the slaughter shops, you won’t eat non-veg items! The animal is silently eating the grass without knowing that it is going to be killed next, after the existing stocks are exhausted! When its stomach is full, the slaughter man takes it & kills it when it cries without being protected by every one! The man then cuts it into pieces & give it to us! They are very weak in front of us! So, they die!

Krishna has given us Sixth Sense, so, we develop protection mechanism for us & protect ourselves from those animals that are stronger than us! But, these weaker animals die as they can not develop mechanisms to protect themselves! So, just because they are weaker than us, we should not kill them! Sastras allow us to kill an animal only if they are dangers to our life! Eg: Snakes! Allow silent animals to live freely!

You may ask, You advice us to avoid eating flesh, OK! But, what about eggs? Many say Eggs are vegetarians! But, Srila Prabhupad has said: "Sastras say, we should avoid eggs as unfertilised eggs are considered as the menstration of the hen!".

H.H.Bhakthi Vikas Swami Maharaj Says: "These foods are saturated with the modes of passion & ignorance & so, can not be offered to God"
So, friends, anyway, better we avoid these Non-vegetarian foods & improve in Krishna Consciousness fast! Because, Krishna says in Gita to offer vegetarian foods only, not meat! Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita (9-26): "If One offers Me with Love and Devotion, a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water, I will accept it!". As Krishna Prefers Vegetarian foods, we also should eat vegetarian foods!

Sastras say: "Ahara suddhou satva suddhi". That is, If the food is pure, his satvas (Body & mind) will be pure!" The health & nature of a person’s Body & Mind depends on what he eats! Non-vegetarian foods develop thamo & rajo Gunas in our body & mind & hence we will be induced to commit offences! Krishna has given variety of tasty vegetables only for us! Why should we go for animals? Think!
I tell you friends, if anyone continues to eat Non-Vegetarian foods after reading these posts by me, I pray to Krishna to show extra mercy to him! I have one more point in this topic! Many of you ask: "Is it not sinful when we kill plants?" I have answer for that also! Because, I also asked 100s of Qns when I was 10-12 yrs old

Is Killing Plants sinful? Yes! But, as Krishna says us to kill, it is sinless! How? Arjuna killed relatives & friends & gurus in battle field as Kshatria, because, Krishna told to kill them as it is Kshatria Dharma! As Krishna has said, He likes vegetarian foods, you can kill them! No sin will be there! See, Most of the plants do not die if we pluck vegetables from them! They continue to live, except a few varieties!

Next Regulation is ‘Gambling’! What is gambling? My simplified definition for gambling is! "Whichever game/ profession that takes the money of others as a whole and gives them to a single person wthout the mental/ physical hard work of that person". I think, no body in the spritual world can refute this new born definition! Why I say so? Krishna expects us to work! Not to sit idle & earn without hard work!

Lord Krishna says in Gita (3-30): "Do yr assigned duties (i) Surrendering all yr works unto Me, )ii)with full knowledge of Me, (iii)without desires of profit, (iv)with no claims of propritoriship, and (v) free from lethargy!" What this means? We should do the assigned duties for us! THAT MEANS, WE SHOULD NOT DO OTHER PROHIBITED DUTIES TO EARN! What are assigned duties? I have a simple definition!
Any work/ job/ business that is legal (Not this materialistic Govts’ rules! Rules of Dharma!) and that do not make others affected, is a permitted one! You must earn by serving others! Not by spoiling others! Teachers teach others & earn; Kirana (General stores)/ Vegetables traders supply essentials & earn! Doctors save lives & earn! Security men secure the zone & earn! Weavers supply dress that saves our dignity, & earn!
Druggists supply drugs & earn! Farmers supply food for us & earn! Dhoodhwala(Milkmen) gives milk & earn! Many are serving the govt to maintain the country & earn! Thus, any job/business that is helpful others & you R naturally interested (Not by the compulsion) is considered as Assigned dutiy! Krishna supports such Karma Yogis who are doing assigned duties! These people have no barrier in Krishna Consciousness!

But, the jobs that involves Speculation, is prohibitted by Sastras! What are they? (i) Gambling like Cards, Dice, Speculation in Sports/ Politics about who will win this match/ election, etc; (ii) Lending money for others for higher interest than permitted by the government; (iii) Lotteries (money of lakhs of people goes to a single person without works) (iv)Share trading (because it artificially increases the market rates)
(v) Real Estate if you sell the price of the land beyond the guideline value of the govt). However, Share Market & Real Estate businesses have become popular now, as this is kali Yug! People creates layouts on the land owned by Krishna, and claim that they are the owners! They fix rates whatever they want! They manipulate Krishna’s Property uncontrollably and hence most of the poor remain on platforms!
H.H.Bhakthi Vikas Swami Maharaj says: "Gambling puts one into anxiety & fuels greed, envy & anger! Devotees should avoid T.V, Films, Sports, Useless Songs, etc" So, when there R hundreds of options for earning in permissible professions, why should we go to gambling/ Speculations that disappoint others? DO ANY PROFESSION THAT MAKES OTHERS LIVE & HAPPY, NOT THAT SPOILS OTHERS!

Next Regulation: "Intoxication!" What is intoxication? My simple definition: "Anything that induces you to use it again & again & makes your mood/ mind/ body tensioned if you don’t take them! You become dependent on them! They brings you totally under their control! If you don’t get them at a particular day/ time, your character will show total deviation from the normal character! They R representatives of maya! "

What are the items that cause intoxication? H.H.Bhakthi Vikas Swami has listed so many things here: "Alcohol in any form (Some will tell you that beer & wine are good! Remember, they also have alcohol), Pan Masala, Betelnuts, tobaco (both chewing & smoking), LSD, Marijuana, Abin, Arrack, Coffee & Tea, and the cool drinks that contain coffeine! Chocolates also contain coffeine 7 other intoxicating agents!"

How, these intoxicants affect the Krishna Consciousness? Actually, all the nerves of our body are controlled by a spot in our brain called CNS, ie, Central Nervous System! Only till this CNS is healthy, whole nervous systems will be normal! If this CNS becomes affected, the man becomes always lazy, tired and inactive! Thus, Next to heart, this CNS in brain is an important part that controls our body system!
When we consume the additive products as I mentioned yesterday like alcohol or arrack or tobacco or coffee or tea or cool drinks, etc, this CNS is induced immediately & the body becomes brisk! This sudden increase in the activity of CNS is followed by sudden fall in its activity! This sudden rise & fall of CNS activity makes the CNS inactive permanently! Let me beautifully compare this effect with a rubber band!

A rubber band is very flexible that can be used for any size of bundles to keep them intact! But, if you frequently use a rubber band again and again, you will find it elongated permanently! That is, its diameter would have become large! That is that rubber band has loosened & lost its grip! Similarly, sudden rise & fall in the CNS activity makes it inactive & all nerves become loosened making us always tired!
This is called NERVE WEAKNESS! If you continuously use these additive products, your nerves become weakened! You would have felt that you will be brisk immediately after consuming these products, but after some time suuden fall in your briskness! So, these products give you only temporary refreshment, and make your nerves permanently disabled! What are the effects of this nerve weakness in your life?

This nerve weakness definitely causes the following: 1.You always feel tired/ weak; 2.Your memory power permanently reduced; 3.You become tensioned; 4.Your Sexual Potency is definitely reduced, causing problems among couples; 5.Your liver gets totally affected & leads to death afetr continuos use of alcoholic products; 6.Your lung gets depositted with Nicotine in cigarrettes & loses its efficacy!
7.Nicotine causes breathing disorders, cancer, heart attack, Sexual impotency! 8.Smoking causes bad breath & hence, wife & children hesitate to go close to that person! 9.As he always feel temptation to smoke, he misses many deadlines of important assignments! So, success delayed / lost! 10.Alcohol makes you totally forget yourself & hence whatever you do after consuming it, can not be remembered later!
11. This costs yr image! Many people sacrifice their dresses & walk casually after consuming alcohol that is seen by all his surroundings! How the society will respect him & his wife? His wife & girl children become the victims of the anti-social elements, without their fault, just because of marrying that person! Thus, alcohol makes one lose his family itself & its dignity! He loses due respect in society! Innocently his family too!
How they affect Krishna Consciousness? As these people are always confused in everything, whether it is family or job or business or sexual life, they maintain the same confused state of mind in their spritual practice also! He can’t mingle freely with other devotees as he will fear whether the smoke/ alcohol smell will expose himself! He can’t attend a temple function for 2 hrs as he needs cigarrette every 30 minutes!
A smoke/ alcohol/ drug addict always thinks negatively! He never gets an attachment in the regular activities in a society! He is going on a separate/ peculiar track! he never care if there is no money for cooking that day! He needs a cigarrette then! Thats all! If he has no money, he takes the jewels of his wife, pledge them & smoke/ drink! He never cares whether it is dharma or not! He needs his sense gratification!
How such a person can concentrate in Krishna Consciousness? Is there any way? Yes! If a smoke/ alcohol/ drug addict gets the association of pure vaishnavas, with the power of that purity, he will correct himself gradually & become a perfect person! So, an addict need not skip Krishna Consciousness! If he truly likes to lead a pure life, he can come to Krishna Consciousness & purify himself! Is it Possible? How?

Srila Prabhupad achieved it! When he went to U.S with just Rs.40/ - for establishing Krishna Consciousness there, he stayed in an area that had full of drug addicts! He called all of them, offered Krishna Prashad, Educated Gita & Krishna to them & made them pure devotees in a few months! The purity & good intentions of a vaishnava can achieve it! Even we have an example for this possibility!

We have fed Krishna Consciousness in jails & made some people pure & vaishnavas! We had an opportunity of preaching in a central jail every sunday! We found that those acused & criminals were feeling for their criminal acts! After our preachings every sunday, many of them have become the humblest devotees following Krishna Consciousness seriously!

Today we should see another sensitive topic "Illicit Sexual Relations". Actually this is not a bad word to discuss, as it will help to watch our children & develop them accordingly! I will define Illicit Sexual relations simply as "Any sexual contact or just thoughts with/ about the persons other than our husband/ wife". Clear? Simple! I like to add more: "Any Sexual Relations with the opposite sex before marriage!"
O.K, Why these people go for extra sexual activities? Our sastras has given clearl green signal to marry a boy/ girl! No barrier for a legal marriage! Krishna prepares a girl in the age of 14-15 for sexual contacts & a boy at about 16-17! However, as they will not be mentally matured to face marriage relations, we should allow upto the age of 20. A girl or boy can marry at anytime around the age of 20!
They should concentrate in studies & career till that age! The problem is, all thoughts about opposite sex come only in these critical ages! They develop colourful thoughts about his/ her would be! A boy / girl imagine their future husband/ wife like a latest cute hero/ heroine! They forget that every man/ woman has only decorated flesh! If a popular cine actor/ actress does not bath for 2 days, no one can go near him/ her!
They find all girls/ boys going past him/ her beautiful in that age! They like to love everyone of them! But, they find it impossible! One day, they get a groom/ bride & marry! They imagine that her/ his husband/ wife will speak/ behave like her/ his favourite hero/ heroine! They forget that every one in this world is different in character! No two persons are alike! They later conclude that their imaginations are wrong!
Everything goes well for a few months! Both of them come to normal life of problems! They involve themselves in problems of life! Most of the boys/ girls accept the life that they got as the result of karma & lead a peaceful life, of course with small problems! In a minimum percentage of couples, out of two persons one needs the company of his/ her wife/ husband for more time! Why they think so? Reasons are there!

In Vedic Astrology, if a boy/ girl is interested more in sexual activities if he/ she has the star Venus very powerful, or, has Venus & Mars in the 7 th house, or, affected 2 nd house, etc, etc! He/ she will be happy if he/ she is always with his/ her wife/ husband! But, due to the pressures of work, development of children, presence of 3rd parties, this becomes impossible! This makes that person disturbing!
These special persons who has extra sexual desires by birth, fall into Illicit Sexual activities if they get an opportunity! Now-a-days, the world has become very uncontrolled! This uncontrolled freedom for both men & women gives some of them courage to deviate from normal life! After coming a round of uncontrolled sexual life, they learn later that there is nothing in Sexual life & they will never be satisfied!

Why they are not satisfied with a single girl/ boy? Not all girls/ boys are going like that ! But the percentage is increasing because the world has become open! No secrets! Consumer culture! Plenty of media to induce the people! Only a small number of media that educate that they are wrong! Many of the wise boys & girls escape from this cultural disaster! But, a portion of them start enjoying uncontrolled sex!
What is the speciality in these special relations? Nothing except addition of psychological diseases! In many cases, physical diseases too! Human tendency is like that ! They have a good T.V in their house, but feels that the neighbour’s T.V is better than that of him! Their wife cook tasty foods, but they say that the food of a hotel is better than hers! Their son/ daughter are gems, but they find the wards of their neighbour better!
For some men & women, plucking the flowers from the garden of their neighbour is a thrilling experience, though they have many colourful flowers in their garden! So, for all these sexual deviations, the reason is: It is thrilling to enjoy others’ property than that of ours! These people speak attractively & attract those who are tired of their family problems! Many escape, but some fall prey to their colourful words!
Later, they lose their own wife/ husband because of this character and come to the roadside! They stare to spoil the common public! Got arrested! Go to jails! This is the result of Illicit Sexual Relations! O.K, Why some of the youth go foe Pre-marrital Sexual contacts? First, they get girls/ boys easily as both are coming to study/ job! Some of them feel that there is nothing thrilling in the Sex with the spouse as it is legal!
So, these people R thrilled in illegal actions! They feel it conservative if we follow rules! This is the pathetic situation of this society! This is the growing trend of Kali Yug! O.K, How to prevent these immorality in a society? First, we should see Krishna in every living being & love that person as Krishna is in her/ his heart! We should consider that the Athma is the real living being & others are only flesh!
They should realise that sex is just a five to ten minutes pleasure & it leads to bondage with the opposite sex! If you touch a girl/ boy, you are bound to her/ him & you lose your peace! Another thing is: All men & women in this world are anatomically the similar & nothing is special to a certain person! None of his/ her organs are golden! Everything is made up of flesh that smells bad if you don’t take bath for 2 days!
The same flesh will be totally contaminated once a person leaves his/ her body! Then that person is called "It", not "he", "She". Ants & small species come readily & start eating our body! Even our wife/ husband will tell others to dispose that "body" as soon as possible, as it starts badly smelling! So, why should a person wander for these fleshy bodies? Why can’t he/ she be satisfied with his/ her wife/ husband?
Why don’t they realise that Sexual desire can never be satisfied till he/ she dies? So, a person should love his family as it is the gift given by Krishna exclusively to him/ her! Deviations may be colourful/ thrilling, but he/ she will definitely realise one fine day (after losing his fame) that he/ she could have lived still a decent life! So, the husband & wife together should lead a Krishna Conscious family & be an example to the world!



Ya guyzz and humble devotees once again thankzz for visiting this blog excuse my english that can be not as good as I would like.
wit regardzz.... Kannan.